Sunday, March 1, 2009

Obama...modern day Robin Hood?

So I think I'm the only person in the US that has yet to watch the State of the Union Address. Thank God for Tivo, because with my hectic schedule I never get to watch television in real time. Unless "real-time" is 5 days after it aired...

I love Michelle Obama's dress by the way!!

Here come's the Cabinet. Hillary Clinton is wearing bright Barbie pink...a little harsh on the eyes. The Secretary of State should know better than to wear that.

I have to admit, relating the State of the Union to Disneyland might not be as easy as I'd hope, but I'm going to give it a shot. I've been avoiding news coverage of this all week so I could be "suprised" when I actually got to watch it.

Obama just walked in and he looks so happy! It's almost cute. As if he was at Disneyland. It's actually putting a smile on my face.

There's this crazy paparazzi-esque guy on Obama's back and I just watched him take 4 pictures of the back of the President's head. Creepy.
I think Obama just said "Thank you" 20 times. Sounds like he's getting slightly irritated with his standing ovations.

I wonder if Disneyland has felt any impact of the recession?? Everytime I go it seems filled to the brim with people from all over the place. I guess there's always money for Disneyland.

Disneyland has definitely done it's part on job creation for us. Just found on that the Disneyland resort has a work force of 21,000 people.

"Nobody messes with Joe." That would make a good bumper sticker.

I think VP Biden just fell asleep...oh wait, there he goes.

Saving $2000 per year on mortgages means you can go to Disneyland about 20 times...and get a souvenir.

No more private jets and "fancy grapes" for the CEOs. What is a "fancy grape"? I bet Bob Iger (Disney CEO) doesn't use taxpayers money for his private jet.

I wonder how much it would cost Disney to change everything to solar power?

Glad to hear Obama plans to help the auto industry...I just bought 100 shares in Ford.

Did Obama just promise a cure for cancer?? That man is amazing.

Education reform. Hope that applies to CSUF. Lower tuition?? No more courses dropped?? Dare I mention...A reasonable price for a parking permit?? A girl can dream.

Seems the Disney Corp. isn't immune to the recession after all. Here's a chart of their stock price over the past 5 years. Noticeable decline.

Tax increases for the rich? That's why FoxNews has been calling Obama "Robin Hood" all week. I don't agree with this at all, but since I'm not making over $250,000, I'll keep my mouth shut.

Damn. My Tivo just cut off at the end of the address.

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