Thursday, March 5, 2009

It's A Small World Re-opens.

It's A Small World re-opened February after it had been shut down to undergo some renovations. And some people are a little pissed. Particulary the offspring of the original ride's designer, Mary Blair. They new and "improved" ride will now include Disney characters placed throughout the "small world" and are replacing the New Guinea section with a section for the United States. Many feel that inputting Disney characters is taking away from what the ride's original meaning of peace and acceptance. I think that adding Jack Sparrow to Pirates of the Carribean didn't ruin the ride. If anything it may have made it more exciting for the younger generation that have come to associate him with Pirate's. I think the same will go for Small World. Although, many of the older generation would like to keep Disneyland as they remember from their childhood, updating the rides every once in a while isn't going to "ruin" Disneyland.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't unsderstand what they were doing for so long. I had a Disneyland passport, and It's a Small World was down for a year. I am so traditional, that I feel like the ride is timeless and if updated...not changed. I haven't been on the new version, so I can't say for sure. I'll get back as soon as I can ride.
