Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Very Merry Un-Birthday to You!

This year Disneyland is giving out free admission tickets for your birthday. I'm sure we've all seen the commercials by now. Just reminding you to sign up for your free ticket. If you have an Annual Pass then you get to choose from either a fastpass to use throughout the park on your birthday, a giftcard that is supposed to be about $80, or a free admission ticket to use anytime throughout the year. Take advantage before Bob Iger realizes how much money their losing!!

Here's the link to register yourself:


  1. I had a hard time relating the presidents address to my blog too, Different energy boosters. Anyway I think it's so funny that Disney is giving free admission on birthdays. Are they really losing money though? If it were my birthday, yes I would get in free, but my boyfriend and some friends would not. I don't think a lot of people, unless their friends had passes, would actually go and spend a day at Disney all by themselves. So i think Disney knew that opening this up would invite people who would normally not attend the park to come and bring other people.

  2. It is about time Disneyland gives us something! This is such a lucrative business. I had annual passes and people were paying $500 per ticket to go into Dland for Miley Sirus' birthday! I wasn't allowed in that day. All I was thinking waws that I hoped the money was going to charity. It was sold out! Money money money! Once you get inside it costs $10 for a burger. I love Disneyland, but geeze! Oh and trust me they are not losing money! This is a marketing scheme! Who is going to go to Disneyland alone? see???
