Monday, February 16, 2009

My Mom...the Journalist.

My mom tried her hand at journalism last weekend after we spotted Sharon Stone with her kids at Disneyland last weekend. While my mom, my little sister, and I patiently waited for our turn on Alice in Wonderland, Sharon Stone & Co. sauntered right past us to the front of the line and began their adventure in Wonderland. My mother, who decided she wanted in on the action, began to bombarde the ride operator with as many questions as she could fit into the 30 seconds it took us to load into the hookah-smoking catepillar.

Here are my mother's findings:

The Rich and/or Famous often pay extra money to have body guards follow them and their children around the park, and are not forced to stand in line with the "common folk" so as to avoid crazy fans, paparazzi, and nosy people like my mother.

Unfortunately, my mom, being an amateur journalist, failed to ask two important questions: "How much?" and "Where do we sign up?" However, she is insistent that she will find out and report back to me as soon as she does.

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