Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Devil Went Down to Georgia...

I'm not usually one to sit and listen to bluegrass-country music, but that all changed this past Sunday while I was at Disneyland.

While meandering through Frontierland to get over to the Haunted Mansion, I heard loud music and commotion coming out of the Golden Horseshoe Saloon. I decided to take a peak inside to see what all the fuss was about and practically died laughing when I saw what looked like 4 inbred hillbillies playing their fiddles to a packed room.

They went on to introduce themselves as "Billy Hill and the Hillbillies." I decided I had to stay for the ENTIRE show because I was so enraptured with whether or not Billy Hill's teeth were real. He was someone in serious need of braces, or at least a dentist.

I was not disappointed. The show was very entertaining, and to top it off, they ended with one of my all time favorite fiddle-songs, The Devil Went Down to Georgia.

I have not once on any Disneyland trip stumbled upon what I now call my "new favorite bluegrass band," but it turns out that they have been performing there since 1986. After a four-year stint in Critter Country, they were relocated to The Golden Horseshoe.

I highly recommend stopping by on your next Disneyland trip, in the very least to find out the truth behind Billy Hill's teeth. I can't give away ALL of Disneyland's secrets on here. Personally, I am going to make it a point to catch a show everytime I go.

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