Thursday, April 23, 2009

Crocs: The Disney Statement Shoe

I am an avid reader of fashion magazines. You'll find my coffee table littered with Vogue, W, Vanity Fair, and Elle. It's safe to say I know a thing or two about fashion. What designers are calling the "statement shoe" has been an increasing trend over the past year. It seems that fashion is ALL about the shoes this season, and being a person with a heel "fetish" (my mom's words, not mine), I could not be happier.

So, you can imagine how much it pains me to go to Disneyland and see these

on the feet of men, women, and children.

Ok. Maybe the kids can get away with it. My little sister has a pair and I think she's cute enough to pull off anything. However, I gave my mom hell when I found out she bought a pair for her and yelled at her when she tried to buy a SECOND pair in front of me.

But I can not bear to look at full grown adults in these shoes. I am sorry if I offend, but why would you do that to your feet? What is wrong with good ol' fashioned tennis shoes or flip flops to trot around Disneyland in. Not only do they look extremely uncomfortable to walk around in all day, but they are just an eyesore for people like myself, who like to think of wearing shoes as an art form.

Not only do I see Crocs on a good 30 to 40 percent of the people at Disneyland, now they are selling Disney Crocs that have Mickey Mouse shaped holes in place of the boring old circles. Leave it to Disney to take Crocs to the "next level."

Please do everyone a favor.

Respect your feet. Respect fashion. Dump the Crocs.

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